“What about property?” a lot of people say. Well bricks and mortar is generally regarded as a relatively safe haven but the market is cyclical and is well known to crash periodically. The stock markets tend to outperform property over the long term and most investors’ portfolios are heavy in property anyway in the form of the family house.
Money is the best device for storing energy that human beings have devised to date. This means your wealth is literally a reserve of all the energy that you have amassed at this point in your life. I help you ensure that you aren’t taking any more risk than you need to in order to achieve your objectives.
Secondly, as an IFA, I am Independent, not limited to a restricted panel of providers. Our proposition offers genuine whole of market access and I am fully accountable and liable for my advice. As a client, you are entitled to make a complaint through our Customer Disputes Resolution Process which is ultimately enforced by the Financial Conduct Authority and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. And finally, as a Wealth manager - this is the analytical bit where I look at charts, graphs and performance statistics for the funds that you are invested in. I make sure that your numerous tax allowances are being utilised and that your overall portfolio is fully optimised, properly balanced, competitively charged and that you are in the best performing funds.
So why put your money in a bank when you can have a Financial Planner, an IFA and a Wealth Manager taking care of you and your savings?
Start adding value to your future now. Let’s schedule a call and I’ll show you how. BUILDING TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE There are many areas in which I, as your financial adviser, can add value to you. Not all our clients will benefit from each area all the time. But over time the value we add will grow and develop as you do. From protecting your young family, through to growing your wealth, drawing an income, and enjoying your later life, there are many areas that we can support and help you. And if circumstances change along your financial journey, for better or for worse, we are there for you. We have identified over 20 areas where we believe we can add value to our clients, but we have picked out just a few below to give a flavour. Please ask me for more details or to help with any questions that you have. THE SIX MAIN AREAS WHERE WE CAN ADD VALUE:
So, is it worth the money to hire a Financial Adviser? That relationship may be one of the best investments you'll ever make. But don’t just take our word for it - here are two independent sources of evidence of the Value of Advice:
With thanks to TCF Investment! Links to sources: https://ilcuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ILC-UK-The-Value-of-Financial-Advice.pdf https://www.unbiased.co.uk/pro/press-releases/new-data-shows-the-benefits-of-financial-advice-can-outweigh-the-cost-by-nearly-6-000--7-9-2015
Crystal Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited
which is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. Crystal Wealth Management Limited is committed to the security of your personal data and takes the protection of your privacy very seriously. We will only use your personal information to deliver the services you have requested from us and to meet our legal responsibilities. © 2020 All Rights Reserved, Crystal Wealth Management Limited | Registered Office: 19 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8SJ FCA registration number: 717673 Registered in England and Wales Company number: 04931573 |
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August 2021