“What about property?” a lot of people say. Well bricks and mortar is generally regarded as a relatively safe haven but the market is cyclical and is well known to crash periodically. The stock markets tend to outperform property over the long term and most investors’ portfolios are heavy in property anyway in the form of the family house.
Money is the best device for storing energy that human beings have devised to date. This means your wealth is literally a reserve of all the energy that you have amassed at this point in your life. I help you ensure that you aren’t taking any more risk than you need to in order to achieve your objectives.
Secondly, as an IFA, I am Independent, not limited to a restricted panel of providers. Our proposition offers genuine whole of market access and I am fully accountable and liable for my advice. As a client, you are entitled to make a complaint through our Customer Disputes Resolution Process which is ultimately enforced by the Financial Conduct Authority and protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. And finally, as a Wealth manager - this is the analytical bit where I look at charts, graphs and performance statistics for the funds that you are invested in. I make sure that your numerous tax allowances are being utilised and that your overall portfolio is fully optimised, properly balanced, competitively charged and that you are in the best performing funds.
So why put your money in a bank when you can have a Financial Planner, an IFA and a Wealth Manager taking care of you and your savings?
Start adding value to your future now. Let’s schedule a call and I’ll show you how. BUILDING TRUST AND CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE There are many areas in which I, as your financial adviser, can add value to you. Not all our clients will benefit from each area all the time. But over time the value we add will grow and develop as you do. From protecting your young family, through to growing your wealth, drawing an income, and enjoying your later life, there are many areas that we can support and help you. And if circumstances change along your financial journey, for better or for worse, we are there for you. We have identified over 20 areas where we believe we can add value to our clients, but we have picked out just a few below to give a flavour. Please ask me for more details or to help with any questions that you have. THE SIX MAIN AREAS WHERE WE CAN ADD VALUE:
So, is it worth the money to hire a Financial Adviser? That relationship may be one of the best investments you'll ever make. But don’t just take our word for it - here are two independent sources of evidence of the Value of Advice:
With thanks to TCF Investment! Links to sources: https://ilcuk.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ILC-UK-The-Value-of-Financial-Advice.pdf https://www.unbiased.co.uk/pro/press-releases/new-data-shows-the-benefits-of-financial-advice-can-outweigh-the-cost-by-nearly-6-000--7-9-2015
Crystal Wealth Management Ltd is an Appointed Representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited
which is authorised and regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. Crystal Wealth Management Limited is committed to the security of your personal data and takes the protection of your privacy very seriously. We will only use your personal information to deliver the services you have requested from us and to meet our legal responsibilities. © 2020 All Rights Reserved, Crystal Wealth Management Limited | Registered Office: 19 Portland Square, Bristol, BS2 8SJ FCA registration number: 717673 Registered in England and Wales Company number: 04931573 How to increase your retirement income without exposing your life savings to unnecessary risk!14/2/2021
First, ask yourself - What does your ideal retirement look like to you? It could be Travelling, Grand Children, Walking, Cycling, Part Time Work or some other Hobby or a Purpose or a Cause you feel passionate about. As you approach retirement do you ever stop and think - “Are we going to be okay?” As we get older, the years seem to fly by faster and faster. I’m guessing you’ve noticed this by now though, right? Months, Years even Decades will whoosh by and you didn’t do anything to sort out your pension!!! Seriously though, what do you want to do with the time you have left on this planet? When can you stop doing what you no longer enjoy? When can you can start doing what you love doing? What do you need to do to ensure you never run out of money? What do you need to do to ensure your family are totally secure whatever happens?
Let me ask you - What do you think the HAPPIEST retirees all have in common? Well, actually they all share some common traits: A lifestyle of at least the same quality that they were accustomed to when they were working. Their Mortgage is Paid Off! And ideally, they have Multiple Sources of Retirement Income. Would you like to be a lady or gentleman of worth in your retirement? Your expenses may reduce quite significantly when you retire but you are still going to have bills to pay, food to buy, holidays to fund, etc. A good question to ask yourself is - will you need a guaranteed income? This is called an annuity or, to be able to draw money down from your pension like a bank account? Have you noticed that people are living longer these days? On average, people aged 55 today will live to their mid-to-late 80s. Around 1 in 10 men and 1 in 5 women this age will live to 100 and receive their telegram from The Queen. What if YOU live to 100 - will your money run out? Whether you’ve got £5M or £50K, people’s biggest fear is running out of money.
Isn’t it about time you took a proper look at how you are going to fund your retirement?
So, how then do you ensure that you do preserve enough income in retirement? You may have heard of THE 4% RULE. Taking a maximum of just 4% has been accepted as a safe withdrawal amount that won’t erode your savings. But you may well need to draw more than 4% of your fund every year to be able to afford YOUR best retirement. So, what else can you do to preserve your wealth? Well, Compound Interest is your friend - the power of compound interest over time is the most powerful way of growing your savings but this does require time. Well, what other options have you got? Never retire - not ideal is it?! Or you could be frugal… Downsize… Equity release? How what about Saving More? Well you certainly should increase your monthly and annual contributions as much as you can afford to. What about having your pension work harder for you? The key thing you should be doing is to invest it in the best performing funds on the market subject to your attitude to risk and capacity for loss. You can’t afford to take big risks as you get close to retirement so you need to make smart, educated decisions. So, what is the best thing you could do right now? Well, firstly you could continue to do nothing. Not Good - your future self will thank you if you TAKE POSITIVE ACTION without further delay. Sadly, the majority of people don’t do enough to help themselves. The good news is that it is never too late to make a difference.
convince you to put your life savings into risky investments that will benefit them but could leave you with a massively reduced pension or even nothing at all! I am an Independent Financial Planner who specialises in Pensions. I work at Crystal Wealth Management in Portland Square, Bristol. We have thousands of happy clients and over £150M under our management. We were established in 2003 and are an appointed representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited who are authorised and heavily regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority. How can we help you optimise your retirement? We can professionally actively manage your pension - helping you to make better decisions to get you an optimal rate of return. We use high street name companies that you will be familiar with - Blue Chip companies that have very strong credit ratings. We can use cash flow modelling to project accurately what income you can afford to take in retirement and how sustainable it actually is. We look to get you a superior return without exposing you to any unnecessary risk in the markets so that your pension can grow healthily to get you more money. Ideally, we want you to be able to live the lifestyle you want without fear of ever running out of money, whatever happens. We can also help you ensure that in the event of your death, your pension will be passed on to your chosen beneficiaries.
Not doing anything could be devastating to what should be your Golden Years. We can help you to use proven strategies and tactics to finance your BEST retirement. Take action NOW. Your future self will thank you massively! We want you to sleep soundly at night not worrying about your pension. Get in touch to schedule a FREE Discovery Call. It will be the BEST THING you will do for yourself today! What will the call involve? The purpose of the call is to find out a bit about your situation so that we can decide if we think we can help you if we both want to work together and take things further. I look forward to speaking to you very soon. Thank you very much for your time. New State Pension - What you'll get (As of May 2019 for those who retire after 06/04/2016. The Basic State Pension for those who retired before this date = £129.20/week increasing with inflation) What are Your Chances of Living to 100 What is a good Pension Pot A pension is a long term investment. The fund value may fluctuate and can go down. Your eventual income may depend upon the size of the fund at retirement, future interest rates and tax legislation. Crystal Wealth Management Ltd is an appointed representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
Where is your ‘here’? How did you get here and where, realistically, can I help you propel your future self to? Roughly how much money are you going to require for that intrepid journey? Equally important, what are your values, your goals and ambitions, and what sort of legacy do you want to leave behind for your beneficiaries? Funnily enough, what drives your motivation is the same old emotions that drive the markets: greed and fear, carrot and stick. They either repel you away from bitter suffering or attract you towards some kind of sweet prize. Risk is a dangerous blade that carves your appetite's boundaries, defining the very limits of your comfort zones. Get it wrong and she is a cruel, sadistic teacher.
One of the few times I have ever seen him weep was during the early 90s recession, when I came down to breakfast one school morning and he announced that he had been made redundant and that this would affect our lifestyle for the foreseeable future. Desire and an innate ambition gave me a hunger for freedom and tasting the finer experiences in life, forging my own attitude to money.
That type of pain and humiliation can create a subsequent need to impress, that is the best example of the drive inside the most motivated and some of the wealthiest self-made individuals I have ever worked with. It is, however, an itch that it seems can never properly be scratched. what drives your motivation is the same old emotions that drive the markets: greed and fear, carrot and stick."
Money is both a tool and an energy - it will increase your options beyond just shiny materialistic stuff. It opens doors and will get you recognition, upgrades, nicer shoes, a slicker motor, a bigger house, a different social group, private education, free gifts (ironically), even a more attractive partner if that’s what you feel you need. But however wealthy you are, there will always be someone richer than you: fact. You won’t even have heard of the richest families because they don’t want you to know about them. True wealth consists not in having great possessions but in having few wants. Who is the rich man? He who is content.
The only people that understand what money can’t do are people who have it. People who don’t have it believe that it can do things that it cannot. The most rewarding thing I do is show you how to best use the money you have accumulated to live the life you want. I explain how you can make the logical decisions so that you can make those important emotional ones yourself. Crystal Wealth Management Limited is an appointed representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The value of units can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back all of your original investment. Tax Planning Advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
AuthorPark here for original insights and a perceptive view on independent financial advice. Archives
August 2021